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Why And How To Automize Your Office Operations Now?

29th June 2023

Automation in the workplace, whether full or partial, is becoming an increasingly popular strategy among businesses as a means of increasing output while simultaneously reducing expenses. The idea of full-scale automation is gaining traction as a result of the numerous advantages that come with implementing such a system. In this piece, we will investigate the concept of an office automation system as well as the advantages that come along with using one. From there, we will discuss the process of putting the office automation system into action, as well as some of the most crucial characteristics that you should search for in such a system.

What is an Office Automation System?

An office automation system is a tool that allows data to transfer from one system to another automatically without the need for human participation or the associated errors that come with it. These tools assist organisations in securely collecting, managing, and analysing data in order to carry out routine activities and procedures.

The term “office automation” refers to the various pieces of computer hardware and software that are used to automate the process of creating, collecting, storing, manipulating, and transmitting information in an office setting. This information is necessary for the completion of fundamental activities. The most fundamental functions of an office automation system are the storage of raw data, the electronic transfer of information, and the administration of electronic business information. Workplace automation is helpful in either optimising or automating the processes that are already in place in a workplace.

A local area network is the key component of office automation since it enables users to send and receive data as well as mail and voice communications throughout the network. This area encompasses all aspects of office work, such as dictation, typing, filing, copying, faxing, telexing, managing microfilm and records, as well as operating the telephone switchboard and telephones itself. As the personal computer became increasingly commonplace in offices throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the phrase “office automation” became increasingly common. Office automation has several advantages, including the speed with which it can complete various activities, the elimination of the requirement for a big staff, the requirement for less storage space to keep data, and the ability for different people to update data simultaneously in the case that the schedule needs to be adjusted.

Benefits of Office Automation System

By putting in place an office automation system, you will be able to enlist the assistance of software to execute a significant number of the monotonous, time-consuming chores that hinder the productivity of your workers. Office automation is helpful for your team because it:

  • Reduce the amount of time needed to carry out day-to-day operations
  • Free your team from the shackles of paper-based manual processes such as cumbersome spreadsheets, pencil bookkeeping, and overstuffed filing cabinets.
  • Get rid of the bottlenecks that are wasting time and money
  • Helps in getting instant access to the information that is required to make critical decisions
  • Make more room in your schedule for the big, creative ideas that can have a real impact on the success of your company

The front desk is the hub of your business, and it is their job to ensure that every customer has a pleasant and trouble-free experience. Your team’s ability to produce engaging, loyalty-inducing experiences for customers will suffer if they are bogged down by tedious administrative activities.

Sales Department

Unfortunately, too many businesses unwittingly bind sales productivity by burdening sales representatives with administrative work and other mundane activities. In fact, this trend is so detrimental to profits and was proved in a study done in 2010. The study indicated that Almost 65% of a salesperson’s time is spent on tasks that don’t directly contribute to making a sale. How can you get your team more time to focus on closing new business by using automation?

Eliminate Manual Data Transfer: Sales teams sometimes use a variety of incompatible systems that can’t “talk to one another.” As a result, many hours of a salesperson’s day are taken up by repetitive tasks like transferring customer information from a customer relationship management system to a service level agreement or contract. This kind of work is well-suited for automation because of the prevalence of standardisation and repetition.

Ignite Your List of Hot Leads: You should start giving your team with a list of interested contacts who are ready to buy rather than assigning them the responsibility of calling a list of random leads that have not been categorised. With the help of automation, clients may be sorted according to how likely or prepared they are to make a purchase, and a list of really promising leads can be generated without the need for manual investigation.

Customers Service Team

When it comes to putting a customer’s mind at ease, it is your customer service and support personnel that are on the front lines. The majority of customers—nearly 33 percent—agree that it just takes one frustratingly drawn-out and unclear interaction with customer support to have them look elsewhere for their needs. How, therefore, can you make sure that the customer care team at your company gives the lightning-fast support that clients want by utilising automation? You can employ chatbots to fill in the gaps in customer service rather than sending everyone to the same support line and driving up hold times. Send easy questions to pre-programmed software that can easily search across your systems to find the information you need. Examples of such questions include changing passwords and tracking orders. Chatbots can assist in freeing up your staff’s time so that they can fully focus on more difficult, complex queries and provide exceptional problem resolution in record speed.

Human Resource Operations

A company’s might is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the people who work for it. These essential HR chores, which are designed to support the stars of your staff, can result in a mountain of paperwork and create paper trails that are impossible to manage. How can your Human Resources department benefit from automation to relieve some of the strain? When it comes to calculating available vacation time, far too many companies still rely on manual, paper-based systems or other laborious approaches. Automation enables employees to make requests for time off via an online gateway, which eliminates the need to send digital copies of the request or juggle many emails back and forth. They have quick access to viewing their available time and making requests, both of which can be instantly forwarded on to the relevant managers via the system. Even when they are not at their desks, supervisors can get requests sent to them through text message, allowing them to swiftly accept or refuse the requests. Automation can help your team break through productivity obstacles and finally tackle the large initiatives that will genuinely expand your business. Instead of slogging through the mundane day-to-day tasks, your team will be able to focus more on these larger projects.

Important Areas Where Automation Can Play Important role:
  • Access Control System
  • Entrance Control System
  • Traffic Control
  • Inspection Control System
  • Parking management System
  • Software Application

Novus Automation Pvt Ltd is a renowned company that provides automation solutions to various companies and group of companies to optimize their work operations. Novus is the industry standard when it comes to providing cutting-edge security solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial establishments. Access Control, Video/Audio Intercom, Alarms, Traffic Products, Display & Control, LPRCMS, and Network Monitoring Technology are some of the cutting-edge services and products that Novus offers across its extensive product catalogue. These services and products help to keep your premises safer. The items that Novus has developed are not only user-friendly but also extremely durable. Customers are able to integrate the platform with compatible third-party partners in an efficient and problem-free manner as a result of this feature.The application programming interface (API) that is built into this platform makes the process of linking various services and tools much easier, giving businesses the flexibility they need to thrive in the digital age.

Traffic Control System: A state of the art solution by Novus!

The job of traffic control is to regulate the flow of vehicles through a certain area. They use techniques like boom barriers and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) devices to keep traffic flowing freely and safely. Vehicle access can be restricted using boom barriers and ANPR systems can identify vehicles by their licence plates. Novus Automation Pvt Ltd provides their indigenous hardware as well as complete software to run the application for your mobile or desktop for monitoring.

Access Control System: Authenticating the Visitor

The phrase “access control” is used to describe a wide range of mechanisms that determine whether or not a certain individual is authorised to access a particular resource, whether that resource is physical or digital in nature. When referring to data, digital resources, and computer networks, logical access control refers to the regulation of virtual access, while physical access control refers to the regulation of actual foot traffic to buildings, rooms, and other tangible assets.

Entrance Control System: Powered by Novus Automation

Entrance control is the system that enforces the decision made by access control, whether that be by opening to let users cross a threshold or remaining closed to bar entry and possibly raising an alarm. Access control verifies authorised personnel using their credentials (face, fingerprints, PIN number, proximity card, etc.) and decides whether or not they are permitted access. But what happens when an entrance control system like Novus Automation turnstile doesn’t have a physical barrier? These turnstiles do not physically prevent an unauthorised individual from passing through, but they do sound an alarm and notify security staff that a breach has occurred if the proper identification is not presented. Facilities can record any occurrences with the use of additional security integrations, such video solutions, which helps security teams identify users not following the set access control policies and decide on the appropriate response. Staff members who rush through the checkpoint without showing their ID cards can be reminded of the importance of following the proper security procedures. It’s also possible that an unknown person needs to be removed from the building.

Parking Management System

The efficiency and convenience of a parking lot can be greatly improved with the help of parking products. These items make it simpler to locate a parking spot and automate the process altogether. Common parking lot equipment includes ticket vending machines, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras, parking guidance systems, and LED displays. Parking guidance systems provide real-time information on available spots, and LED displays reveal availability at a glance; ticket dispensers allow customers to prepay for their place before entering the lot; automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras help identify vehicles entering and exiting the lot; and so on. RFID tags can also be used to track cars as they enter and leave the parking garage.

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Novus VGOEZY Software Access Control System Traffic Control System Led Sensors Parking Solutions Entrance Control Boom Barrier ANPR Camera Facial Recognition Security Products RFID / Mifare Card Reader

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